Top Tips to Keep Your Knees Injury Free this Ski Season

With ski season right around the corner, it's crucial to prepare so you can stay keep your knees injury-free and enjoy the season. Read our tips below to help prepare before the season starts.

Before going on your ski trip, make sure your workout regimen includes exercises that strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings to help stabilize your knees. Unilateral exercises targeting one leg at a time can help strengthen your turns and decrease risk of injury.

Here are 4 simple exercises you add to your routine before hitting the slopes.

1. Single Leg Squats

Squat down with one leg, keeping your other leg bent off the ground. Option to use a stool to create more space for your hovering leg. 7-10 reps for 1-2 sets, both legs. 

2. Single Leg Hops

Option to tape a small square or line onto the floor. Stand on one leg and hop in and out of the square (or specific spot on the floor) as fast as you can for 30-60 seconds. 1-2 sets both legs.  

3. Staggered Squat with Twist

Place one leg about two feet behind you. Bend both knees, entering a staggered squat. Using your core, twist to one side for 8-12 reps. Option to hold weight or weighted ball as you twist.

4. Monster Walks

Place a band around your feet, shins, or thighs. Bend knees slightly and hinge at hips to enter a quarter squat. Walk laterally 10-15 steps, staying in a quarter squat the whole time. Try to keep the band taut the whole time! Walk laterally 10-15 steps back to start, leading with the other leg. This counts as 1 set. Do 2-3 sets. 

Stretch it out!

Having a stretching routine before you ski will decrease the chances of injury. Cold muscles are more prone to injury. Stretching improves range of motion and muscle coordination. Below are 3 simple warm-ups you can do before you hit the slopes.

  1. Squat

Squat down like you are taking a seat. Take care to keep your knees over your ankles. Engage your glutes as you come to stand. 8-12 reps for 1-2 sets.

2. Arm Circles

Extend your arms straight out to either side. Circle your arms forward for 10 reps, then circle your arms backwards for 10 reps. Let the movement come from your shoulders.

3. Leg Swings

Option to use your ski poles or a wall for balance. Swing one leg at a time forward and backward for 10 reps. Next, swing one leg at a time from side to side for 10 reps.

Wear the Right Gear

Wearing the right gear will help keep your body safe as you ski. Follow these tips to protect your joints-especially your knees-as you ski.

  1. Set your DIN Value correctly.

    The DIN value releases your skis when a certain force is applied.  Have them checked at a ski shop at the beginning of the season to prevent injuries.

Make sure your DIN Value is checked by a professional before you hit the slopes. 

2. Wear your helmet.

3. Dress warm and wear layers.

By following these exercises, you will be able to enjoy an injury-free ski season. Aim to work on these exercises for 10-15 minutes about 3-5 times a week. If you are looking to get back to skiing after an injury, learn how PT can help by clicking the contact button below and talking with a member of our team.


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